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This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! December 13, 2016.
Permaculture Design Certificate 2018, Cloughjordan Ecovillage. Learn how we can live more sustainably using ecological design. Practical skills for horticulture, farming, enterprise, green building, perma-facture, collaboration, social innovation and community resilience. Deposit not refundable after 18th May.
My Green Trip to Italy. I was delighted recently to be informed that I was successful in winning a place on a Green Trip to Italy as part of the Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Project with the Irish partners Tipperary Energy Agency. Six of us flew out on Wednesday 8th Oct.
Do you need Diploma support? A new adventure for 2018. Permaculture course at Seed Savers! Booking at Irish Seed Savers. Permaculture Design is an ethical approach to planning and creating more sustainable ways of living.
Of permaculture, gardening, farming, perma-facture and green building for this unique, yearly opportunity to learn invaluable design and practical skills.
A guide to sustainability-minded organisations, websites, events and products in Ireland. Give useful tips on how to conserve water, how rain water can be harvested and how new water meters will be fitted and what affect they will have on people paying for their water.
This space gives people who are passionate about permaculture the opportunity to tell others about the stories that inspire and move them. Tuesday, 11 August 2015. Reflections of a new permaculture diploma tutor. I think I first heard about permaculture in the late 1980s and from this point my interest in the subject and generally getting closer to nature began to develop. In 2008, my husband and I headed for Central Portugal in search of a more self-reliant life in the hills. There, we spent a year .
9th January, 2017 Something has been getting my goat of late.
Меня зовут Данил и я помогу вам разработать и реализовать пермакультурный. Проект на вашем земельном участке. Пермакультура это замечательный способ превратить унылый сельскохозяйственный труд в приятное и увлекательное занятие, дарящиее не только море радости и удовольствия, но и богатые плоды природы как материальные, так и духовные. Как всё это выглядит на практике вы можете узнать в этом журнале. Задавайте свои вопросы в комментах или по почте danil.
Four Seasons Permaculture Design Certification. You will learn how to observe and use the same principles that make ecological systems self-sustaining, and apply them to integrated homes and gardens.
Pers en Promotie van permacultuurnederland. nl is een online platform voor Permacultuur in Nederland. Op dit moment is de website nog in ontwikkeling. Grote opknapbeurt voor de Kas.
What is a Permaculture Design Course? Fields of Practical Experience. Monteverde, Costa Rica - June 2018. Taos, NM - July 2018. Longo Mai, Costa Rica - TBA 2019. Permaculture Institute is a global leader in the field for over 20 years. Our work is focused on training the next environmental and social change makers to uphold the highest standards of Permaculture. Training the next change makers.
Our website aims to help people interested in and practicing permaculture within Aotearoa to keep in touch and share information. Are a good starting point. Submitted by Joc in Nelson.